Terms & Conditions


For the contractual relations between the online store egodrift.com, operated by EGODRIFT Co. Limited (further referred to as “merchant”) and his customers founded by this web-shop, shall apply exclusively the following terms and conditions as amended in the time of order.
Different terms and conditions of the customer shall be rejected and shall not become constituent of the contractual relations between the parties. All arrangements made in this contract between the merchant and the customer are put into writing. Changes to the terms and conditions will be published on our egodrift.com-Website (further referred to as “website”).


Subject of the contract shall become only the goods which are explicit acknowledged the merchant.  The product presentation in the online shop is not a legal binding product offering. Hereby, the customer shall be merely asked to submit a quote by ordering (invitatio ad offerendum). By sending the mail order the seller places a binding ordering of the chosen goods. After placing your order, the merchant will send an email to the customer that confirms that the order was received (Order Confirmation). The Order Confirmation does not yet constitute a binding contract of sale; it is merely for your information, to let you know that the merchant has received your order. A binding contract of sale shall come into being when the merchant confirms the product delivering or acknowledges the order with an explicit letter of acceptance.


All products purchased via egodrift.com cannot be returned or exchanged under these Terms. Exceptions for exchange will be allowed for defective or incorrect products only. If you believe that your product is defective, please contact our customer service team under customerservice@egodrift.com.


As character of the good shall apply only the product description of the producer. Public demonstrations, targeting or publicity of the producer do not give a description of the contractual character indication. Warranty claims do not exist by only insignificant divergence of the appointed character or by only insignificant detraction of the usability. The consumer has the choice if the supplementary performance shall be effected in form of rectification of a defect or replacement delivery. The merchant is able to deny the proposed ractification when it is merely possible with disproportional costs and the other form of supplementary performance is without significant disadvantages for the consumer. If the customer is entrepreneur, the merchant has the choice of the form of supplementary performance. The supplementary performance shall be carried out by ractification of a defect or replacement delivery. If the supplementary performance fails, the customer can claim at his own option deterioration or cancellation of the contract as well as compensation for damages. In cases of insignificant defects, the customer has no right to withdraw from the contract. Customers shall inform immediately within one month after receipt of any obvious defects in writing; otherwise the assertion of warranty claims is excluded. Entrepreneurs have to inspect the delivered goods immediately for variation in quality and quantity variance. Noticeable defects must be suggested in writing within a week from receiving the goods; otherwise the assertion of warranty claims is. Hidden defects must be suggested to the merchant within a week from detection in writing. To meet the deadline, timely mailing shall suffice. The entrepreneur is sole responsible for providing evidence that his claim is justified, in particular for the defect itself, for the point of time of the detection of defects and for the timeliness of the notice of defect. The warranty deed for consumer is two years from delivery of the goods. The warranty deed for entrepreneur is one year from delivery of the goods. he warranty deed for used matters is one year from delivery of the goods. The annual warranty deed does not apply in case of gross negligence as well as of injury of body, life or health and loss of life of the customer. The merchant does not issue a guarantee for customers. Hereof, the manufacturer’s warranty shall remain unaffected. The merchant’s liablility after the product liability act shall remain unaffected.


In the event that the customer is consumer, the merchant shall reserve the right to keep the property in the goods until the complete payment of the invoice sum is made. In the event that the customer is entrepreneur, the merchant shall reserve the right to keep the property in the goods until the complete payment of all accounts from the existing business relationship. The merchant is able to revoke the goods if the customer acts contrary to contract. The demand for restitution of the goods is not a cancellation of the merchant. The customer is obligated to take care of the delivery item during the time of the title retention. The merchant obligates himself to release the securities to which the merchant is entitled on customers demand if the realizable value of the security exceeds the amount of our claims by more than 20%; the choice of the released securities is for the merchant. The entrepreneur shall be able to resell the goods subject to reservation of title in fairly transaction. He shall assign all claims aloft the invoice sum already now, grown through the resale against a third party. The merchant accepts the assignation. The entrepreneur is authorized to confiscate the accounts receivable after the assignation. The merchant shall reserve to collect the accounts receivable, in the event that the entrepreneur discharge all payment obligations and is in default.


Personal data (as far as collected) is being handled responsibly. Information required to precess your order is being stored and – if necessary – being forwarded to payment, shipping and/or other partners only within the necessary limitations. To further protect your private data, all data transfer to and/or from this website is access-protected and encrypted using latest technologies. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding information, modification or deletion of your stored data at any time. Please do so via email to customerservice@egodrift.com. To protect our rights we reserve the right, not to delete required business data.
Cookies:Cookies are small text files stored on PCs to recognize website visitors. To make your shopping experience on our website more comfortable, we use such cookies within our catalog and for analytical purposes. Those cookies do not contain any personal data (i.e. your name or address), and do therefor not allow a personal identification. Please note that deactivated cookies will not allow you to browse our catalog.
Newsletter/product information: Our website allows you to receive information and updated concerning our catalog via newsletter. Those are being sent to you only upon your explicit wish and/or account creation. To cancel one or all of your newsletter subscriptions from our website, please navigate to our user account control panel and change the respective settings. Also, you can send us a mail to customerservice@egodrift.com. In addition, all our newsletters contain a quick link for (cost-free) unsubscription. Your email-address for newsletters is, of course, being treated just as private as the rest of your data.


We apply great care during the insertion of our catalog information. Errors can still not be avoided at all times, therefor please note that the information found on this website (especially concerning product prices and/or specifications and alike) is not by itself binding for the merchant and the merchant must not be held responsible for any damage caused by such information.


Should individual clauses in this contract between the merchant’s company and the contracting party including these terms and conditions be or become invalid completely or in parts, the validity of the other clauses or the other parts of such clauses shall remain unaffected. The complete or partial invalid settlement has to be replaced by a valid settlement, which matter comes near to the intention of the replaced.

Version: March 2018